Stephanie A. Garrett, CEO/ Founder of TEAM ELI, INC.
Stephanie Garrett is the founder of TEAM ELI, INC., aspiring author and community
advocate. She takes pride in raising her son Eli, who is the fuel behind her vision. Eli is a nine-year-old boy full of love and excitement. Just before his second birthday, Eli was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) a classification under the Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Stephanie became an advocate March of 2012, starting a group to raise awareness and since then has been a pillar in the Bronx community. Although stationed in Bronx, NY Stephanie’s work has been prevalent in other boroughs, cities and states. In attempts to pay it forward, Stephanie has joined forces with the Department of education’s District 75, Morrisania Revitalization Corporation, Inc., CLUSTER, Inc., The SEED School of Washington DC and many other reputable organizations for an array of community outreach programs and events.
In September 2014, Stephanie graduated with a Master in Healthcare Administration. Working diligently on being a full-time mother and building on her strengths, she discovered her purpose in life. Servicing the community ignites her flame and fuels her passion, and on October 23, 2017, Stephanie turned that small group into TEAM ELI, INC., a nonprofit organization, tax exempt, under section 501c3.
Currently, Stephanie works part-time as a Harm Reduction Specialist at Paradise Transitional Housing Program (Servicing homeless adults living with HIV/AIDS) and full-time as the Founder/CEO of TEAM ELI, INC. Where she is working thoroughly to offer free/low-cost summer camp and after school programs to inner-city youth. These programs will include Music, Dance, Step, Sports/Fitness, Nutrition, Art, Literacy, and much more.
In addition, Stephanie is determined to dedicate unallocated time to assist anyone in need. The love and dedication she pours into helping others can support a nation.